<애스앤유 김방순 피부과>는 <정보통신망 이용 촉진 및 정보 보호>에 관한 법률을 준수하고 있으며, 2009년 6월 29일부터 시행된 의료 기관이 지켜야 할 정보통신보호법의 개인 정보 수집과 관련된 동의문 협의에 관한 안내입니다. 2012년 5월 30일 변경된 개인정보처리방침(선택정보 거부권) 에스앤유 김방순 피부과는 상담과 치료의 목적을 위해 [상담자 이름], [이메일]을 수집하고 있습니다. 위 항목은 상담 시 필수 입력 항목이 아니므로 원치 않으실 경우 입력하지 않으셔도 상담을 받을 수 있습니다. 다만 치료 비용을 문의하실 경우 이메일로 비용을 안내해 드리므로 이메일 입력이 필요합니다. 상담 내용은 웹 사이트에 노출됩니다.
Rosacea Question
2023-03-27 13:23
I have known I have rosacea for several years. I have visited many clinics and there was one I was visiting for over a year. That doctor eventually told me that he can not help me and recommended I reach out to this hospital.
I want to know about the price, what to expect, can the doctor speak English, can I be helped?
I live quite far away in Incheon.
Let me know if there is anything that can help me.
Hi, This is Dr. Kim Bang Soon.
Treatment of rosacea is not easy, but it can be improved with treatment.
There are three treatment principles.
First, try to avoid stimuli that can cause flushing as much as possible.
Actually, this is the most important.
Second, as blood vessels expand, inflammation occurs in the dermal skin invisible to the naked eye.
Inflammation causes the blood vessels to expand.
It is to use oral and topical medicines for a long time to relieve this inflammation.
No one knows how long to use it, but it is common to use it for at least 6 months.
Third, if possible, laser treatment such as IPL is performed.
The treatment effect is better with IPL treatment.
The whole treatment period may be shortened
You will usually receive 5-6 treatments at 3-4 week intervals.
Rosacea is not completely cured .
But you can get better with treatment.
That is, you can't completely eliminate it with one treatment, but you can maintain a good condition by continuous treatment like maintaining diabetes or hypertension through drugs, diet, or exercise for life
Therefore, there is no fixed duration of treatment.
Oral and topical medications should be used for at least 6 months.
At the same time, watch the progress, reduce the medicine you take, then stop
You should continue to be careful not to blush.
You don't need to come to my clinic often, you can come once every 3-4 weeks.
I will let you know approximate cost through e-mail.
I want to know about the price, what to expect, can the doctor speak English, can I be helped?
I live quite far away in Incheon.
Let me know if there is anything that can help me.
Hi, This is Dr. Kim Bang Soon.
Treatment of rosacea is not easy, but it can be improved with treatment.
There are three treatment principles.
First, try to avoid stimuli that can cause flushing as much as possible.
Actually, this is the most important.
Second, as blood vessels expand, inflammation occurs in the dermal skin invisible to the naked eye.
Inflammation causes the blood vessels to expand.
It is to use oral and topical medicines for a long time to relieve this inflammation.
No one knows how long to use it, but it is common to use it for at least 6 months.
Third, if possible, laser treatment such as IPL is performed.
The treatment effect is better with IPL treatment.
The whole treatment period may be shortened
You will usually receive 5-6 treatments at 3-4 week intervals.
Rosacea is not completely cured .
But you can get better with treatment.
That is, you can't completely eliminate it with one treatment, but you can maintain a good condition by continuous treatment like maintaining diabetes or hypertension through drugs, diet, or exercise for life
Therefore, there is no fixed duration of treatment.
Oral and topical medications should be used for at least 6 months.
At the same time, watch the progress, reduce the medicine you take, then stop
You should continue to be careful not to blush.
You don't need to come to my clinic often, you can come once every 3-4 weeks.
I will let you know approximate cost through e-mail.
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